We simply couldn’t survive without your generosity!

Donate Today

Your fundraising will make a huge difference!

Last year, our fundraisers raised over £1million from organising their own events or joining one of our hospice led events. We like to encourage our supporters to come up with their own ideas to fundraise. We believe we have the most creative supporters who have previously organised sponsored head shaves, bath pushes and even world record attempts.

We are always overwhelmed by the support we receive from hundreds of local people who are passionate about fundraising for Dougie Mac so we’d love to hear what ideas you have in mind.

Challenge Yourself for Dougie Mac!

Have a bucket list challenge you’d like to tick off? Do it for Dougie Mac!

For the dare devils and thrill seeker supporters, take part in a skydive, wing walk or ultra marathon to help raise funds to continue our care.

If you’re up the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Organise Your Own Fundraising


From coffee mornings, football matches and game-a-thons – We’ve got lots of ideas to get you started!

Whatever you choose to do to support us, one of our dedicated fundraisers will be on hand to help you and can provide fundraising materials, collection buckets and merchandise!


Runners and walkers of all abilities are welcome to take part in the iconic Potters ‘Arf Marathon on Sunday 28th September 2025.

With fantastic Stokie support, a city centre finish, medal and a wonderful community atmosphere; the Potters ‘Arf is a challenging yet inspiring way to support your local hospice.

Call our team on 01782 344359 for fundraising support.


Think you could complete one of the biggest marathons in the world for Dougie Mac?

Run for Dougie Mac and take in the unique landmarks of the capital while raising funds to allow us to continue to deliver excellent quality care to those affected by a life-limiting illness.


Find out more about fundraising for Dougie Mac and download everything you’ll need to make sure your fundraising is a HUGE success.

Download Files

Tell Us About Your Fundraising

    We respect the data you will provide on this form and we will only use it within Douglas Macmillan Hospice to contact you regarding your enquiry. The data provided will be archived once your enquiry is fulfilled.

    I agree to the Douglas Macmillan Hospice privacy policy.

    If you or your sponsors are a UK tax payer, remember to Gift Aid your donations so we can receive an extra 25% from your donation at no extra cost!

    Getting Your Donations to Us

    WELL DONE – you did it! Dougie Mac couldn’t do what we do without your support – thank you!

    Your next step is to send us your donations using one of the options below and we’ll send you a letter to say a huge thank you to you for your amazing fundraising.

    If you fundraised using an online platform such as JustGiving, we will be able to acknowledge your fundraising as soon as your activity is complete & you have closed your fundraising page.

    Pay in Online

    Visit our DONATE page and pay in your donations online

    Send us a Cheque

    Cheques should be made payable to Douglas Macmillan Hospice and sent to our address: Douglas Macmillan Hospice, Barlaston Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 3NZ

    Give us a Call

    Call our fundraising team on 01782 344304, Monday - Saturday 9.00am-5.00pm and we'll take your donation over the phone

    In Person

    Visit our Fundraising Hub in the Main Reception at Barlaston Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 3NZ, Monday - Saturday 9.00am-5.00pm

    Contact our Fundraising Hub:

    Telephone: 01782 344304 (Mon – Sat, 9am – 5pm)

    Email: fundrecep@dmhospice.org.uk